CyberLink PowerProducer Ultra - программа, предназначенная для создания и окончательного оформления мультимедийной продукции на HD-дисках, включая диски Blu-ray и DVD-диски формата AVCHD. Программа обладает специальными средствами добавления музыкального сопровождения к видеоклипам, импорта фотографий для создания слайд-шоу. Также есть инструменты инверсии цвета, выравнивания баланса, размывки границ, разделения сцен, добавления меню, фона, надписей и субтитров.
Power Producer включает только базовые функции редактирования видеоматериалов и широкий диапазон различных форматов. С выходом пятой версии данного решения, обычные пользователи получили возможность создавать высококачественные диски Blu-ray и AVCHD DVD. Благодаря поддержке новейших форматов пакет PowerProducer 6 позволяет быстро компоновать и записывать домашние видеозаписи с высоким разрешением и профессиональным качеством конечного результата.
Основные возможности:• Захват видео с вашей HDV видеокамеры или цифрового/аналогового ТВ тюнера или импорт файлов высокой четкости
• Улучшение ваших видео и слайдшоу с помощью Волшебных Инструментов
• Работа со звуком Dolby 5.1
• Создание стильных меню диска в сочетании с вашим вдохновением
• Показ вашей индивидуальности с помощью передвижных кнопок, заголовков, эффектов и многого другого
• Быстрое редактирование видеороликов с помощью инструментов отделки и обрезания
• Добавление тем и создание полноценных видео автоматически с помощью Волшебного Видео Мастера
• Соединение роликов для безупречных ТВ записей
• Запись на любой диск, какой только захотите: Blu-ray Disc, DVD, VCD и т. д.
• Проигрывание дисков на домашних видео-плеерах
• Просмотр содержимого дисков на широкоэкранных телевизорах
• Прямая загрузка ваших видео на видео-хостинг YouTube
All You Need to Create Movie Discs
Turn your home videos and photos into Hollywood-style movie discs with professional-looking menus!
Essential Disc Authoring Tool for Windows
PowerProducer 6 is Windows 10 compatible so it’s easy to burn your media to DVDs & Blu-ray discs and watch on your TV.
Edit Your Videos & Enhance Your Photos
Trim video clips to capture just the best moments. Edit & enhance your photos with easy-to-use built-in photo editing!
Produce in Blazing Speed
Produce your video projects in blazing speed with optimization for the newest hardware acceleration technologies.
Create Hollywood-style Movie Discs NEW
PowerProducer features complete tools to author video discs. Customize interactive menus to match the theme of your media content. PowerProducer also comes with guided steps. Achieve Hollywood productions even for novice users.PowerProducer comes with 14 brand-new animated menu templates designed in HD resolution. It lets you present your video production with high quality visuals on large screens.
Customize Your Menu Design
Create pro results with a cool choice of menu templates including your own video or photo backgrounds, and animated thumbnail buttons. Alpha-blended menus offer extra style and detail. For even more professional results:
- Insert First Play Video; opening credits, a copyright notice, or a short video you've made yourself.
- Add background audio to your menu templates, such as a music track or dialog you've recorded, adjustable length with fade in and out effects.
- Include text titles that can be customized with font type, color, size, alignment that best suit your menu design and video content.
Full HD, Animated Menus
PowerProducer comes with 14 new professionally designed menus, optimized for HD resolution to give you the best viewing on large displays. Also included 3D-like animated menus to amaze your audience.
Import All Types of Media - Including 3D Videos & Photos, MKV, FLV and RAW Photos NEW
PowerProducer 6 lets you work with media files in a huge range of formats. Import files from your hard drive or grab scenes from existing discs to breathe fresh life to older clips by including them in new projects.
Whether you want to import MPEG-4, MPEG-2 or MOV videos from your camcorder, MKV or FLV videos you just downloaded, or RAW photos from your DSLR, bring them all to PowerProducer for your movie disc projects. You can also add video in the most common 3D media formats and create 3D DVD, Blu-ray and AVCHD discs in side-by-side format to play on your 3D TV!
Create the Most Popular Types of Movie Discs – Blu-ray, DVD & AVCHD and 3D discs
PowerProducer 6 supports the most popular discs types. Author your own high-definition Blu-ray discs, dazzling DVDs and VCDs. Or create high-def AVCHD or AVCREC discs to enjoy on your PlayStation 3 or Blu-ray player.
Want to watch 3D photos and video on your 3D TV? PowerProducer makes it easy to create stunning 3D movie discs! Add video in the most common 3D media formats and create 3D DVD, Blu-ray and AVCHD discs in side-by-side format to play on your 3D TV! PowerProducer also supports Dolby Digital 5.1 audio to maintain the full sound quality of your recordings and create discs that are compatible with your Dolby Digital playback devices.
Burn Directly to Disc with Right-to-Disc™
No time to edit a disc? Record video directly to disc - without the wait - using powerful Right-to-Disc™ technology. Burn directly to disc as you play back video from high-definition or standard-definition cameras, VCRs, camcorders or webcams.
Preserve Your Memories - from VHS Tapes to DVD Discs
Time to transfer your old videos or TV shows recorded on VHS tape to DVD? Using a video capture card (purchased separately) and Right-to-Disc™ burning, record your VHS tapes in real-time from your VHS player directly to DVD.
Optimize Disc Space with On-Disc-Editing
On-disc-editing allows you to add new video and slideshows to discs you’ve already burned, as well as edit and add/remove playlists on your BD-RE, DVD+VR, and DVD-VR discs .Optimize your disc space to their maximum capacity
Append Disc Burning - DVD-VR Disc Format Support
With the support of DVD-VR format, you can add new videos to a disc even after it has been burned. With this feature, you do not need to write all your videos at once to use all your DVD disc space when backing up your videos!
Create Slideshow Discs from Your Digital Photos
PowerProducer 6 brings your photos to life with HD quality slideshows. Import digital photos from any camera and even use RAW photos from leading camera brands including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, Olympus and many more. Include multiple photo slideshows, automatically add pan and zoom and easily set the duration of each photo or an entire slideshow. Add your favorite music and choose from 100+ transition effects. Include a copy of your original photos on your movie disc as an easy backup!
Print Your Own Disc Cover with LabelPrint NEW
LabelPrint is label-making software included in PowerProducer 6 that lets you design and print stylish disc labels and covers in just 4 easy steps. Simply select your template, edit the disc information and choose a layout and background image. It’s that easy to add eye-catching style to your discs!
Play Discs Anywhere
PowerProducer 6 ensures that the discs you produce will play great on PCs and home disc players. Enjoy your videos wherever you want. With broad disc format support, create Blu-ray, DVD, VCD, AVCHD or AVCREC discs for playback on virtually any home video device with an optical drive.
Essential Disc Authoring Tool for Windows
If you have a new Windows 10 PC and want to create Blu-ray and DVD movie discs of your home videos and photos, PowerProducer 6 is just what you need. PowerProducer 6 is Windows 10 compatible and works perfectly on your Windows PC to allow you to author Blu-ray and DVD discs quickly and easily.
Windows 10 Compatible
PowerProducer 6 is fully compatible with the latest Windows OS from Microsoft and works perfectly with new PCs. The icon-based user interface provides a smooth touch experience.
Create Blu-ray & DVD on Windows PC
PowerProducer 6 lets you do more with your Windows 10 PC with valuable new features for making movie and slideshow discs.
Edit Your Videos & Enhance Your Photos
PowerProducer 6 supports popular video, photo and music formats, including the new MKV, FLV and RAW photo formats. Plus you get easy-to-use photo and video editing tools to help make your content look its best.
Make Quick Video Edits with Trim and Cut Tools
In addition to easy-to-use DVD authoring and burning, PowerProducer 6 includes easy video editing tools. Cut, trim, and merge clips to create wonderful stories from your video content!
Edit & Enhance Your Digital Photos with PhotoNow!
The included PhotoNow! app gives you an easy way to edit and enhance photos with automatic tools and easy adjustments.Click the "photo editing" button when editing a slideshow to launch PhotoNow! and find tools to fix photos, remove red-eye, crop and resize and apply stylish photo effects!
Produce in Blazing Speed
PowerProducer 6 lets you take full advantage of multi-processing CPU and GPU technologies to work with video faster. Optimization for the latest hardware acceleration technologies from Intel, NVIDIA and AMD means speedier rendering of HD video content, which saves you time when authoring your videos to DVDs and Blu-ray discs.
Информация о программе:Год выпуска: 2018
Платформа: Windows® 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лекарство: встроено
Размер файла: 433.00 MB
Скачать CyberLink PowerProducer Ultra 6.0.7521.0
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