PDF-XChange Editor - программа для просмотра, редактирования и изменения PDF документов. У вас теперь есть более легкий, быстрый и многофункциональный аналог программе Adobe Reader. Программа обладает всеми возможностями для просмотра PDF документов. С помощью PDF-XChange Editor можно смотреть и печатать PDF документы, экспортировать из них текст и графику, создавать всплывающие подсказки, добавлять комментарии, делать пометки и многое другое.
Возможности:• Работа с несколькими файлами одновременно с использованием системы вкладок.
• Поддержка интеграции в программы перевода текста.
• Экспорт любой страницы в графический файл.
• Печать документов.
• Отправка PDF документов по электронной почте прямо из программы.
• Экспорт текста.
• Возможность создания штампов (из шаблона или из пользовательских изображений).
• Многоязычный интерфейс, включая русский и украинский языки.
• Наличие плагинов под Internet Explorer и Mozilla Firefox.
• Распознавание текста
• Оптимизация PDF документов
Advanced features:• NEW PDF-XChange Editor Plus only) Create and Edit Fillable PDF Forms
• (NEW PDF-XChange Editor Plus only) Create and Edit Dynamic Stamps
• (NEW) Convert PDF to MSPowerPoint® format
• Reduce PDF file size by Image compression/downsampling & embed/unembed Font, PDF Optimization
• Advanced PDF Bookmark creation and management
• Direct Content Editing (Paths & Images)
• Combine PDFs open/closed pdfs
• Import Directly from XPS and other support formats
• Header & Footer Support
• Bates Numbering
• Delete Pages
• Move Pages - By Drag&drop in Thumbnails View.
• Insert/Import Pages (from existing PDF files)
• Extract pages to a new file (PDF or Image format - 15 formats supported)
• Crop Pages/Files
• Flatten Annotations/Comments
• Insert Blank page
• Summarize Comments
• Export Comments
• Scan Direct to PDF (now with inline OCR option during scanning process)
• Create PDF documents from text and RTF files
• Convert 15 supported image formats to PDF
• Extended Digital Signature Support (incl. Time Stamps)
• Security Profiles (for adding security to documents conveniently)
• Improved Browser Plug-ins to reduce compatibility issues
• and much more...
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added the option of using third-party applications to edit page images.
Newly added featureEditor PluginsNEW Added a feature to convert Selected Pages to Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint Presentations and Microsoft Excel. Workbook.
Newly added featureEditor PluginsNEW Added a feature to convert Selected Comments from PDF when converting to Microsoft Word documents and PowerPoint. Presentations.
Newly added featureEditor PluginsNEW Added the ability to convert PDF documents to Microsoft Excel Workbook.
Newly added featureEditor PluginsNEW Added 'Crop Mode' to the Redaction feature.
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added Drag-n-Drop functionality for content items within and between Content Panes.
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added "Display Selected Items" feature in Content Pane.
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added "Expand/Collapse of Content Items" feature, and made several bug fixes and other minor improvements in the Content Pane.
Newly added featurePDF-CoreNEW Added JPEG-compression option for TIFF files.
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added a feature to Swap two Pages (Menu/Document/More for Pages).
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added a feature to Duplicate Pages (Menu/Document/More for Pages).
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added an Auto Scroll feature (Menu/View/Page Layout).
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added the ability to hide or show different parts of Document Info Bar (see 'Document Info Bar' in 'Preferences' dialog).
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added the ability to Copy/Paste Annotation Style from/to selected annotations.
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added the ability to Copy/Paste Text Style from/to selected annotations.
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added a dropdown list of registered email providers to the toolbar for convenient use. Improved/redesigned the 'Send Mail' tab in 'Preferences' dialog.
Newly added featureEditorNEW Added an option to control "Text hinting" that enables the improvement of text rendering in small text sizes. (T# 3875)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Plugins Optimized memory usage in OCR-plugin. (T# 2967)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Plugins Optimized Deskew option during OCR.
A reported error or bug was fixedPDF-Core Fixed reading TIFF files with old JPEG-compression.
A reported error or bug was fixedPDF-Core Fixed issue with rendering option that enables/disables Image Smoothing. (T# 3854)
A reported error or bug was fixedFonts Fixed incorrect detection of some symbolic TTF fonts. (T# 3867)
A reported error or bug was fixedFonts Improved handling of malformed embedded CFF fonts. (T# 3868)
A reported error or bug was fixedFonts Improved character codes detection for some Type3 fonts. (T# 3787)
A reported error or bug was fixedFonts Fixed invalid character-width when editing with certain embedded fonts. (T# 3641, 3829)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Fixed issue when searching is for just one space. (T# 3860) (28811)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Fixed issues with search feature when Proximity=Paragraph is specified. (28966, 28496)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Fixed issue with maximum page size for WIA scanner drivers.
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Fixed inaccurate image description in the Images to PDF dialog.
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor ActiveX SDK Fixed issue with the custom image for the signature appearance in the Digital Signing operation.
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Fixed issue with switching layout type. (T# 3819)
A reported error or bug was fixedEditor Fixed rare issue with rendering pages on some DPI/Zoom levels. (T# 3844)
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor Updated 'Duplicate Annotations' feature: added the ability to specify page ranges. (T# 3558)
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor Redesigned Manage Pagemarks (Headers and Footers, Watermarks, Background, Bates Numbering) dialogs.
Changed, reviewed, modified featurePDF-Core Significantly improved color management support. (T# 3659, 3792, 2030)
Changed, reviewed, modified featureEditor Improved XFA forms support (T# 3781, 3704, 3839)
Feature that is currently under construction and will be released in the futureEditor Improved the document-to-tab scaling algorithm when many documents are opened and there is not enough space to show all of them.
Feature that is currently under construction and will be released in the futurejavascript Engine Fixes and improves in JS object model.
Информация о программе:Год выпуска: 2017
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный + Русский
Лекарство: cracked-dll
Размер файла: 192.07 MB
Скачать PDF-XChange Editor Plus 6.0 Build 322.5 + Portable
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